Safeguarding Concerns
Safeguarding is based upon information sharing. This is done in a confidential manner and on a need to know basis.
If you have concerns about the behaviour of any adult towards a child or young person, whether this adult is a parent, BSJU staff, visiting coach or volunteer at an event, you must also notify the BSJU Safeguarding Team immediately.
In An Emergency
If you believe the child or young person is in immediate danger or risk of harm, you must contact the Police on 999 straight away. Once you have done that, inform the BSJU Safeguarding Team as soon as possible (within 24 hours).
It is not OK to do nothing.
How To Report A Concern
If you have a safeguarding concern about a child, young person or adult at risk, contact the Safeguarding Team:
It does not matter how you have become aware of the concern or how the child or young person has come into contact with the BSJU.
Do not delay in taking whatever action is necessary to safeguard them.
Concerns About A Member Of Staff
If you have concerns about an adult's behaviour towards a child, it is important that you report these concerns as soon as possible. The BSJU takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and has a Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure.
Examples of behaviour of adults that could compromise the reputation and ability of the BSJU to safeguard children and young people could be:
- Contravening any safe practice guidance for working with children, young people and adults at risk given by the BSJU
- Exploiting or abusing a position of trust and/or power
- Consistently demonstrating a failure to understand or appreciate how their own actions could adversely impact upon the safety and well-being of a child, young person or adult at risk
- Not making sound professional judgements which safeguard the welfare of children or adults at risk
- Failing to follow adequately BSJU policy or procedures relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk
- Failing to understand or recognise the need for clear personal and professional boundaries in their work or
- Behaving in such a way that it seriously undermines the trust and confidence placed in them by the BSJU.
Do you have a concern?
If you’re concerned about possible child abuse or bad practice by a BSJU member, during a BSJU competition or event, or in any other Shuai Jiao environment then you should immediately contact:
Your Desigated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) for your area. This contact information should be published on your Shuai Jiao providers' website.
BSJU Safeguarding Team led by our National Designated Safeguarding Officer: Florence Montgomery
+44 7760 763529
Escalate concerns to the BSJU Chief Executive Officer (holding the Safeguarding Portfolio): Robert Simpson
Your Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) through the
National LADO Network